
Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Life, Moments, Experiences and its Beauty...

Lets recall the beauty of our life.

When the sun shines in the winter,
the pleasure of its touch is life.

When a mother hugs a child,
The feel of the hug is life.

Life has its own beauty.
Sometimes, it gives us terrible and sad moments,
And at other times it brings us happiness.

Sometimes you lose, And learn from your wrong doings,
And at other times, you outshine like a winner.
That is the beauty of life.
This experience teaches us the importance of both happy and sad moments.

Life has its own beauty
The silence of the nature is life,
The pace of the allegro music is life.
The tears of joy is life,
The sorrow of loneliness is life.
Life is like a rainbow.
Life is silent,
Life is loud,

Life is heaven and Life is reason of other’s happiness.
Live your life with joy and happiness, Serve your love to all.

Manish Upadhyay